So I love our dinner times when we can all sit down as a family and tell each other about the things that went on in the day. Last Friday nights' dinner was no exeption...
To cut a long story short (or not), I went for lunch at the Purple Foot on Friday with my good friend Sara, actually she was treating me to lunch as a late birthday gift, so while contently sitting there trying to calmly control our kids, I suddenly noticed (when Abby kept throwing her legs in the air), that she had no underwear on, and seeing as I had just picked her up from school, the horrible realization of her having no underwear on all day at school suddenly hit. What her teacher Mrs Cooke must have thought, I'll never know, but I do know that she went to the outdoor playground that day and must have ended up showing her jewels to most of the preschool. Anyhow, I will not take blame for it as every day I get her out her clothes to wear and that morning I had gotten underwear out for her also, she had just forgot to put them on under her dress... who would have known? Its not like I check under her dress everyday.
So that leads us onto our dinner conversation that night about embarassing moments... I guess I made such a fuss about Abby's lack of panties that she became embarrassed... a healthy emotion if you ask me... But to make her feel a little better about herself, we proceeded to remind her of Sam's ebarassing moment last month when he put on Abby's jeans and went to school. You would have thought that between Dave and I we would have managed to catch the fact that they were 2 inches too short and they had bootlegs... but oh no, mornings in our house are hectic to say the least... the blame? well Dave folded up clothes the night before and put the jeans into Sam's drawer and I pulled them out that morning for him to wear, so I guess we are both to blame... why is it we have to blame someone for embarassing moments anyhow?
So the conversation ended with me retelling my most embarassing moment of sitting in a pub with my boyfriend and best friend when I was around 16. Now I wasn't the tidiest or cleanest of 16 year olds, always something better to do than clean, but the night before, I had undressed for bed and dumped my jeans and underwear on the floor, exactly how they peeled off my body... the next day, I pulled the same jeans on and yes you guessed it, I didn't realize that my 'day before underwear' was still in the jean leg, until my best friend Emma saw them sticking out the end of my pant leg at the pub and not so quietly (so my boyfriend could hear) said "what's that popping out of your jeans?"... I immediately rushed to the ladies' and flushed that pair of underwear down the toilet, I just couldn't bear to see them again... of course I was ridiculed all night, and needless to say I never dumped my clothes on the floor again, I did dump my boyfriend though (not because of this)... and to this day Emma and I are still great friends...
So when asking daddy at the table what his most embarassing moment was, it took him a while to respond like he had never had one!!! In the end he recalled a story about once he was in a nativity play and the only line he had to say was "the sheep are getting restless". So all night on performance night he is waiting to say his line and when it finally comes to his moment of glory he ends up saying "the sheep are getting reckless", much to his embarassment. I guess the audience thought it was amusing though.
Hmmm, not sure if this was as embarassing as all our underwear stories (or lack of), but the kids were amused...