We love Virginia!
"Welcome to my blog... where I can release all the little nuances of everyday life that occur... some funny and some not so funny, from a legal "aliens" perspective...."

Monday, March 31, 2008

Awww Come On....

So Sam has this funny little thing (not quite a tic but close) that he does right now. Every time I say no he can't do or have something, he says "awww, come oooon", which cracks me up so hard I eventually end up giving in. Not even too sure where he got it from, I am presuming school, as that is where we are picking up quite an interesting vocabulary these days.

The other day at the dinner table, Abby was struggling with her food (mainly because she had eaten 2 cookies waaay too close to dinnertime), so when I asked her to eat her mac and cheese (it was a healthier homemade mac, not the processed stuff which she would have gobbled up), she turned around and said "I don't like that" to which I replied "don't like is not in our vocabulary." "Why do we have to eat vocabulary mom" she said... we were all laughing so hard, we forgot all about her uneaten mac and cheese...

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