We love Virginia!
"Welcome to my blog... where I can release all the little nuances of everyday life that occur... some funny and some not so funny, from a legal "aliens" perspective...."

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Car Flatulence...

Just a quick update on the car situation... I DID sell the Corolla, for the full price I was asking, to the same guy who promised he would come back on Saturday... the transaction couldn't have been any smoother and hopefully that great little car will serve him well, it did great for me...

Anyhow, someone has a very cute sense of humor as the new car we bought has some strange noises occurring when we turn the wheel more than 180 degrees! It sounds like a mix between a duck quacking and the sound of someone passing gas - so if you are ever in my car, please don't give me a strange look like it was me, now you all know... and Jarrett, if you have any crashomatic ideas as to what this could be, I sure would like to know...

Why don't these things ever show up when you are test driving a vehicle???


Anonymous said...

Erika always blames her car too. . .

Rach said...

lol... even Sam said "what was that mommy?" the other day when I turned the wheel cuz he always likes to call you out if you toot...not sure if even HE believed it was the car...