We love Virginia!
"Welcome to my blog... where I can release all the little nuances of everyday life that occur... some funny and some not so funny, from a legal "aliens" perspective...."

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Kids are so creative...

So the thousands of toys in my house are just not enough entertainment for my kids, they have come up with two new games to play which they absolutely love...
The first is called "Monkeys jumping off the bed" which involves just that, my two little monkeys jumping off the bed into one of our arms. we had many giggles playing this last night, so I recommend to all with strong arms, but be quick, as soon as one has jumped, the other will jump, so you almost have to throw the other one to the ground real quick or it could get ugly...

The second is called "tummy ski-ing" and involves sliding on your tummy down carpeted stairs (do not try if you are pregnant!). The kids wanted to do it down the stairs to our basement which has no carpet, I just made it in time to stop them as I knew it would be disastrous!

So next time, your kids say "I'm bored", you will know of two more exciting new games to play...


Anonymous said...

hmmm. . .when my kids say I'm bored, I usually respond "Well you could clean the kitchen."

Mother 25 - 8 said...

Today Colby told me he was bored so I told him, "Now you can appreciate school, huh?"

Mother 25 - 8 said...

So for the longest time I was trying to figure out how to vote the tip vote and then I saw the poll had closed.

I was gonna vote "as little as I could get away with."

Rach said...

I would have voted that way too! haha, we are such cheapskates!

Mother 25 - 8 said...

He didn't have full blown flu, but he had high fevers, sore throat, etc. Friday and seemed to get better until Sunday night, then Monday morning he couldn't walk. But today he's doing fine. Just can't go down the stairs too well.

Yeah, and now Addi's sick. But Matt comes home tonight!!